Our Mission

The Waccamaw Baptist Association

Our Identity

The Waccamaw Baptist Association is a local fellowship of Southern Baptist churches committed to advancing the Great Commission together.

Our Mission

Our mission is serving our churches to advance the Great Commission through partnership. We serve by strengthening churches, mobilizing for missions and encouraging leaders.

Our Vision

We see every life and community in the Coastal Region saturated and transformed by the hope of the Gospel through the cooperation of an association of churches committed to the Great Commission.

Our Strategy

  1. Building a foundation of prayer and fostering spiritual strength, renewal and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

  2. Casting a vision for partnership in carrying out the Great Commission.

  3. Assessing the needs of member churches and providing training, resources, and strategies for mobilizing and assisting every church to be on mission both locally and abroad.

  4. Encouraging church leaders.

  5. Supporting member churches to plant new churches.

  6. Partnering with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention in Great Commission advance of the Gospel

  7. Measuring the success of the WBA by our Great Commission commitment and outreach.

Our Values

  1. We value the power of prayer and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

  2. We value the strength of partnership.

  3. We value the potential of every church to advance the Great Commission.

  4. We value the impact of healthy Great Commission leaders.